Portfolio Management Services
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Following are the 5 different portfolios based on 5 risk profiles, by clicking on each of the portfolio below will help you to understand the different allocation to assets classes in each risk profile.

Risk Type Equity Debt Other Investment like Gold Cash
Aggresive 80-100 0-20 0-30 0-20
Growth 50-100 0-50 0-30 0-20
Balanced 30-65 30-70 0-30 0-20
Conservative 0-30 70-100 0-30 0-20
Risk Averse 0-20 70-100 0-20 0-20

1) Isec Sterling Multi-Asset - Aggressive

2) Isec Sterling Multi-Asset - Growth

3) Isec Sterling Multi-Asset - Balanced

4) Isec Sterling Multi-Asset - Conservative

5) Isec Sterling Multi-Asset – Risk Averse