If time is a barrier for exercising & maintaining good health, we bring your fresh new perspectives from our experts. Explore some useful information on ways to leading a healthier life


Gym & Fitness

Going to the gym, in today’s busy world, has become a dream for most people. The metro cities, with all their lifestyle hazards, do not leave any time for a person to devote to his health. Professionals today find it increasingly difficult to sque...

Weight Training for your Comfort

Aerobic exercises have an important role in defining the body and provide a sense of comfort. The name 'aerobics' highlights the importance of breathing and its regulation in this form of exercise.

Aerobic gym exercise should last at lea...

Obesity – Causes & Effects

There are varied reasons for a person being obese. We often say that some person is obese if he has above normal body weight. However, there is a more precise definition of obesity, one that measures obesity with respect to a person's Body Mass In...

Become an Enthusiastic Adventurer

While, not many people would give up their lazy habits those who do indulge in adventure sports can boast about how healthy this habit can prove to be. There are various benefits of adventure sports.

Outdoor Exercise: Adventure sports ca...


The Facts & Myths about Nutrition

There are a lot of things we hear about different nutrients and nutrient diets. We come across so many stories every day, that it becomes difficult to tell the truth from the myths. It is also very harmful if we base our diet on improper or incomp...

Nuances of Healthy Dieting for Women

As a woman, intake of a nutritious diet and having your body weight under control are a couple of important factors that need your intent consideration and care. As you go through different stages in your life, healthy dieting can really help you ...

Eat Healthy to Stay Healthy

Improper nutrition, caused by the lack of a balanced diet may result in nutrition related diseases. While most of the diseases are caused due to the absence of certain nutrients in our daily diet, there are some diseases that are caused due to exc...

Weight Loss Myths Debunked

Every person who tried losing weight must have come across a lot of recommendations, and free advice. Needless to say, most of these are ineffective. While there are many time-tested ways to lose weight, there are an equal number of weight loss my...

Eating Fruits & Its Benefits

Fruits are a natural way to flush out toxins and help you maintain a healthy immune system. Fruit juices also contribute to our health in a major way and helps cleanse the system. Incorporating fruit juices in our diet can lead to several health b...


A Heart-to-Heart Request

Most of us never bother going for a check-up and take our healthy heart for granted. Heart attacks can be fatal or leave you bed-ridden for life. The risk factors for heart disease and stroke include raised blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose ...

The Key to Having a Great Day

Lack of good-quality sleep causes a number of problems besides feeling tired throughout the day.
Traffic accidents, poor concentration in daily tasks, illness and lazy behaviour are some of the common problems that are associated with...

Harmful Effects of Junk Food

Junk food is known to have many adverse effects on the human body. Apart from leading to an increase in cholesterol and unwanted calories in the body, it is also linked to an unhealthy increase in weight. Junk food has a high amount of calories an...

Fitness & Weight Control

In today’s hectic and work oriented world, a person rarely finds time to exercise or even follow a balanced diet. What follows are a number of health conditions that continue to worsen until some measures are taken towards maintaining good health....

Top Five Health Disorders in Women

Keep health disorders at bay and stay active longer.

Cardiac Ailments
Heart disorders continue to be one among the major health disorders in women. While women above the age of 65 years are more prone to cardiac...

Healthy Habits for Peace of Mind & Strength of Body

A healthy habit will do loads of good to your over-all well-being. A perfect mental and physical harmony is what everyone aspires and this can be achieved by making it a habit to adopt best practices while carrying out our daily routines. Here is ...


Understanding Stress & Managing It

What is stress?

Stress is the physical and mental response of the body to demands made upon it. However, not all stress is bad.

Adaptive stress helps us to face life’s challenges in a healthy way. It increases ...

Stress, Work Life Balance & Related Health Disorders

Today’s world exposes individuals to a large amount of stress, not just due to the amount of physical work, but also due to work pressure, irregularity of schedule and lack of sleep. It has been estimated that almost one third of the individuals i...

Meditation: The Best Way to Unwind

Over the years, there has been a dramatic increase in the manner in which people are embracing meditation.

Meditation techniques can be divided into two categories:

Zen based meditation

Teen Health – Mental Stress and Depression

If you are a parent of teenage children, you probably know how difficult it is to predict their behaviour in this phase of their lives. Teenage behaviour is very impulsive. The human body undergoes a lot of hormonal changes during the teenage year...


Working out is not difficult. Get started with easy-to-do exercises that you can do on the job.