You’ve debated them around the water cooler for years. Your family & friends warned you about a good many of them. What are they? Myth Busters, of course. Read on and know about the truth behind common misconceptions and their explanation


Myth No 1: You should starve yourself before hitting the gym

Fact : Your body needs energy for exercising & getting a good workout. Starving yourself before a workout will lower your energy level. Hence, it’s good to eat a light snack, about 1 to 3 hours prior to exercising.

Myth No 2: Weight lifting workouts make women bulky like body builders

Fact : A woman’s body does not produce enough testosterone to develop bulky muscles. Women who feel they are heavier than they like, should try exercising with lighter weights.

Myth No 3: You can always overindulge in healthy food

Fact : Anything in excess is bad. Even if you eat healthy food, your calorie intake would increase, making you gain weight. Thus, you should eat in moderation.

Myth No 4: Rather than having smaller meals through the day, you should have a heavy lunch & dinner

Fact : The only heavy meal you should have is breakfast! Lunch & dinner should be proportionally smaller. Eating smaller portions of food through the day keeps your calorie intake under control. Follow the German proverb, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.

Myth No 5: If you exercise all your fat will turn into muscle

Fact : Exercising does not actually turn your fat into muscle. It is however possible for you to lose fat & gain muscle at the same time. The best way to lose excess fat, is to increase the rate of metabolism of your body.

Myth No 6: The best way to stay healthy is to not consume fat at all

Fact : Eating fats is the right proportion is crucial to good health. You should eat fats found naturally in food for lowering the risk to various diseases.

Myth No 7: The only way to lose weight is to cut down on the calories you consume

Fact : Cutting own your calorie intake should be supported with regular exercises to lose weight. Boosting your metabolism helps in maintaining a well balanced body.

Myth No 8: If you dream of losing your excess belly fat, all you need to do is crunches.

Fact : Though crunches help you develop strong abs, there is only a certain amount of calories you actually burn. You should aim at getting a full body workout and losing overall fat content.

Myth No 9: You should do rigorous stretches before a workout

Fact : You should do stretching after a workout, rather than before. Some studies suggest that rigorous stretches before a workout can lead to your bones becoming slightly weaker. A good warm up before a workout, like light jogging or aerobics can help in opening up the muscles.

Myth No 10: The more you sweat; the better is your workout

Fact : The amount of sweat is never an indication of how good your workout has been. However, fitter people start sweating sooner, and sweat more, as compared to unfit people. Taking a little time to slow down, relax & enjoy all your hard work helps you end your workout on a good note.


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